Check Out If Where the Heart Leads Supports Cross Platform Play, Cross Gen Play & Cross Platform Save:

A tale adventure video game focused on family.


Where the Heart Leads Couch Co-op:

Couch co-op allows players to play together using the same monitor / TV supportively.

Sadly, Where the Heart Leads does not offer support for couch co-op.


Where the Heart Leads Internet Co-op:

Internet co-op connects global users to assist each other in gameplay.

Alas, internet co-op has not been added to Where the Heart Leads.


Where the Heart Leads Couch PVP Multiplayer:

Couch PVP multiplayer allows gamers to oppose each other on the same TV / monitor. There could be an option to play player vs player or team vs team multiplayer. PVP multiplayer is commonly known as VS multiplayer.

Unfortunately, couch PVP multiplayer has not been added to Where the Heart Leads.


Where the Heart Leads Internet PVP Multiplayer:

Internet PVP multiplayer lets users living anywhere in the world to get connected & contend each other either solo or in teams. Players must join different servers to play with unknown gamers, & there will be an option to play only with friends.

Alas, internet PVP multiplayer is not available in Where the Heart Leads.

Where the Heart Leads Cross Play / Gen Play / Save
Where the Heart Leads Cross Play / Gen Play / Save
Image Credit: Armature Studio

Where the Heart Leads Cross Platform Play:

Cross Platform Play gives players an opportunity to get connected even if their platforms are different. Such as, users of PC can join hands with users of mobile, Nintendo, Xbox & PlayStation.

Sadly, Cross Platform Play is not added to Where the Heart Leads.


Where the Heart Leads Cross Platform Save:

Cross Platform Save allows users to begin their adventure on one device / platform, & carry on with their adventure even if they switch to another device / platform.

Alas, Where the Heart Leads does not offer support for cross platform save.


Where the Heart Leads Cross Gen Play:

Users from the same & different generations can get connected & play a match together in case cross generation play is supported.

Unfortunately, cross gen play is not added to Where the Heart Leads.


Where the Heart Leads Cross Gen Save:

Cross gen save allows players to start their adventure on one generation & resume their gameplay progress on a different one.

Alas, cross gen save is missing out from Where the Heart Leads.


Available Multiplayer Features:




Cross Play


Cross Gen Play


Cross Save


Cross Gen Save


Couch Co-op


Online Co-op


Couch VS / PVP Multiplayer


Online VS / PVP Multiplayer


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