La-Mulana 1 and 2 Enhancements, New Features, Updates and News:

La-Mulana 1 & 2 review focuses on its rich story & adventurous gameplay which includes action & puzzle solving.

Mr. Shorn Kosugi wrote a letter to his son Lemeza Kosugi who is a professor of archeology claiming that he found the relics of La-Mulana which is revealed as birthplace of all civilizations. On this information Lemeza responded to the place of relics and found that it is comprised of various combinations of relics and collected from different locations of the earth.

La-Mulana 1 and 2 Review
(Image Credit: Nigoro)

Upon further investigation and finding within the relics, Lemeza came to the conclusion that the so called “Mother" fell down from the sky and smashed onto the earth. The Mother has determined to return back to its original abode. To achieve this objective, she created various "children" which were in fact different races that roamed the earth. They were ordered to find route to the sky. None of them could succeed in this mission. The Mother got angry and resolved to destroy them and start another race. At last the 7th generation children came to the conclusion that it was impossible to take Mother back to where she desired to go. They came to know that the complete body of Mother is composed of the Mulana relics. They decided to save their race by awarding Mother humane death.

To achieve their objective, they concluded to keep the 8th generation ignorant of the Mother existence. This 8th generation would become humanity. To accomplish this task, Lemeza has to convert Mother's soul into physical form which could be destroyed. Lemeza was in haste to accomplish this task before Mother can create the 9th generation. Taking the secret treasure of life after overcoming the Mother, Lemeza escapes the collapsing ruins and returned to the surface, but was surprised by Shorn who stole the treasure, leading Lemeza to chase after his father.


La Mulana 1 & 2 seems like it is from Super Nintendo period, but the game offers creativity & there is variety of surroundings & rivals that feels amazing.


The game offers enormous soundtrack which consists of appealing classic melodies.


When the in-game temple is not crushing or impaling you, it still consists of riddles, but those who are able to overcome them, receive bigger rewards.

La-Mulana 1 & 2 Gameplay:

La-Mulana 1 & 2 is a two-game package for its diehard fans like me, who grew up playing these games. In the first game, player takes control of Lemeza Kosugi, an Indiana-Jones type archaeology professor, as he tries to discover the secrets buried within the trap-laden ruins of La-Mulana. The game is an open-ended adventure, in which players can choose missions in any order. The game involves exploration, platforming-elements, puzzle solving elements, & boss fights.

La-Mulana 1 and 2 Story
(Image Credit: Nigoro)

2 highly praised platformers which involves puzzle solving are set to be released on current platforms. In those games, players will be able to equip whip in one hand & wield range weapons or blades in the other hand. The game will let you face risky enemies while avoiding traps in your way. The games let you use objects like the Ankh which can let you invite & face Guardians to progress through the gameplay.

La-Mulana 1 and 2 Story:

In LA-MULANA 1, player controls an archaeologist named Lemeza Kosugi, who wants to claim the Secret Treasure of Life. Therefore, he has to travel through tricky-puzzles, through traps, & deal with Guardians. Player needs courage & sharp reflexes in order to go through such challenges.

La-Mulana 1 and 2 Gameplay
La-Mulana 1 and 2 Gameplay
(Image Credit: Nigoro)

In LA-MULANA 2, archaeologist Lemeza Kosugi goes missing. Now his daughter Lumisa has to find her dad. You have to think fast, move fast, & act fast to deal with the traps & puzzles in your adventure to find your dad & discover the mysterious surrounding.

I hope you have enjoyed La-Mulana 1 and 2 Improvements, & New Features. We will share more news and updates of La Mulana 1 and 2 so stay tuned for more.

La-Mulana 1 and 2 Specifications:

  • Release Date: 17 March, 2020
  • Developer: Nigoro
  • Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
  • Publishers: Nippon Ichi Software, Active Gaming Media

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