Tricky Math riddles for geniuses with answers and explanations:

Question 1: Explain the riddle.

Math Logical Riddle
Math Logical Riddle

2 + 2 = fish
3 + 3 = eight
7 + 7 = triangle

This is a very tricky riddle. You need to provide answer about how left hand side is equal to right hand side. This riddle is logical & we would like you to think about it & explain this riddle in the comment section at the end of this post but if you have difficulty in solving or would like to confirm your answer then you can click on Answer Show / Hide button where you will find answer & explanation of this riddle.


Question 2: What goes through cities and fields but never moves?

Math Riddle For Geniuses
Math Riddle For Geniuses

Provide answer of this riddle in the comment section at the end of this post but if you have difficulty in solving or would like to confirm your answer then you can click on Answer Show / Hide button where you will find answer of this riddle.


Question 3: There are 5 sisters in the room, Ann is reading a book, Margaret is cooking, Kate is playing chess, Marie is doing laundry, then what is the fifth sister doing?

Math IQ Riddle
Math IQ Riddle

Answer: Provide answer of this riddle in the comment section at the end of this post but if you have difficulty in solving or would like to confirm your answer then you can click on Answer Show / Hide button where you will find answer of this riddle.


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